The Origami House
Inspired from the logic of the origami. The site is located on the verge of a residentially developing area in the west suburbs of Nicosia. With the form of an origami structure, the internal spaces are wrapped within a morphologically complex, but simple in plan, structure. Internally, the aim is to highlight the unobstructed view on the south-west facade by using a long glazed openable facade, where all the primary spaces have been allocated. On the contrary, the north-east facade with small discreet openings, accommodates all the secondary spaces, all in a longitudinal order, maintaining the desired privacy between the communal and private spaces of the house.
The architectural design is driven also by the intention to protect the large glazed surface with the use of “smart” cantilevers and external metal panels, which prevent the undesired sunlight during summer, while allowing the gentle winter sun rays to fill in the internal space. Thermal comfort is enhanced with the attempt to achieve natural cross ventilation for each space. Based on the origami principle of triangulation, the building itself is, in essence, a cluster of diagonally interconnected surfaces, which highlight the reflections of the environment and the contrast to the geography of the terrain. All these, along with discreet natural vegetation, come to articulate a “functional” sculpture in nature.